The 2021 Annual Township Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9 at 8:00pm. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, capacity in the Town Hall will be limited to 22 and masks will be required.
Residents and other interested parties are invited to participate in the meeting remotely via Zoom. Adding this capability to the Town Hall was made possible by funding from the federal CARES Act.
Zoom Connection:
Telephone Audio:
(312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 882 2186 9447
Passcode: 410029
Audio-only telephone connections are not able to participate in the meeting but can listen to the proceedings.
During the Annual Meeting, residents will vote on the 2022 property tax levy and other business as allowed and prescribed by law.
The property tax levy decision may be delayed until a later date but the Supervisors are recommending setting the 2022 levy at $144,000, no change from 2021.