Road Grading 2021: Request for Quotes

Page Township seeks QUOTES for road grading for 2021.  Written quotes must include:

(1) Lump sum rate for each pass of the full 22 miles (more or less) of road. Each pass will be done approximately every other week throughout the season.

(2) Hourly rate for additional, more frequent grading of certain road sections on-call as requested by the Town.

(3) Hourly rate for grader with packer attachment for applying new gravel or as needed.

All quotes must be submitted electronically or delivered to 21804 140th Ave, Milaca 56353 (US Mail or dropbox) with a current Certificate of Insurance ($1.5 million liability) by March 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Quotes will be read at the Regular Board Meeting held that evening. The Page Township Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Selected contractor must sign contract and provide W-9. Contact Kyle Weimann, Township Clerk at 320-247-5030 or