MAY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, May 17 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.
REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 854 8037 8146 Passcode: 812285.
2021 ROAD WORK: During the May meeting, Supervisors will set priorities for road maintenance and improvements based on the 2021 Road & Bridge levy (set at March 2020 Annual Meeting) and current 2021 budget (approved by Supervisors in December 2020). The overall 2021 roads budget is $167,550, of which $102,750 comes from the local levy (the remainder is from state gas tax, county gravel tax, permit fees, and other state aides). Work areas will include adding gravel, replacing culverts, improving right-of-way ditches, managing roadside vegetation, and signage needs.
PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. March meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.
HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. At this time, maximum capacity inside the building is 30. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.