Snow Removal Quotes
Page Township will be accepting quotes for snow removal for the 2023-2024 season. Quotes should include an hourly rate and equipment to be used for snow removal of approximately 22.5 miles of Township roads as per the Township plowing policy (see below), available from the Clerk. Quotes must be submitted October 16, 2023 at 6 PM at the monthly meeting. Certificate of insurance is required. Page Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes.
Quotes may also be sent to:
Page Township Clerk
21804- 140th Avenue
Milaca MN 56353 (320) 247-5030
Snow Plow Policy
Snow & Ice Removal: The Town shall have all roads passable within a reasonable amount of time after a snowfall has stopped but does not assure a completely bare road.
a. Dispatching of Snowplow: The Town may dispatch snowplow(s) on Township roads during or after snow events. The Township will usually not dispatch the snowplow until after 3” of snow has fallen. The snowplow will not be sent out in situations that may be hazardous due to restricted visibility.
b. Operations: Generally, the cleaning of roads will consist of three phases: (1) making the road passable; (2) widening; and (3) cleaning up. Depending on the situation, more than one phase may be accomplished at one time.
c. Personal Property: Mailboxes and fences damaged during snow plowing will be evaluated case by case. Only those mailboxes with a proper swing-away post which were damaged by actual contact with the snow plowing equipment maybe repaired at the Township’s expense.
It is unlawful to plow snow from driveways onto or across public roads. Piles of snow left on or near the road can freeze into a solid mass creating a hazardous situation for vehicles and snowplows. Accidents and damages caused by snow piles placed in the roadway may result in liability to the property owner.
The Town’s snow plowing contractor will not attempt to remove stuck vehicles from ditches, snow banks, or any other impediment. When directed by a Supervisor, the Town’s snow plowing contractor will make an emergency plowing effort through private property.