September 2021

Page Township Update
September 2021

SEPTEMBER MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, September 20 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 880 2802 8917 Passcode: 964136.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. July meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall is available for public rental. At this time, there are no official restrictions due to COVID, but Page Township encourages renters to adhere to relevant CDC and MN Department of Health guidance. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

August 2021

Page Township Update
August 2021

AUGUST MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, August 16 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 823 3611 5843    Passcode: 672135.

SPECIAL MEETING, 155th AVE MMR: On Wednesday, August 18th at 5:00pm, the Board of Supervisors will conduct a special meeting for the purpose of discussing the status of the 155th Ave Minimum Maintenance Road deferred maintenance project with the Township Attorney. An agenda and related Findings of Fact and Plan of Work are posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 880 6904 5547    Passcode: 726018.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. June meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall is available for public rental. At this time, there are no official restrictions due to COVID, but Page Township encourages renters to adhere to relevant CDC and MN Department of Health guidance. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

RFQ: Herbicide (Brush)

Request for Quotes

Right-of-Way Herbicide Application

Page Township seeks quotes for brush control and noxious weed spraying along up to 11.75 miles of Township road rights-of-way up to 33’ from road center. Contractor must be certified by the MN Dept. of Agriculture. Contractor is responsible for notifying landowners. Spraying must be completed by September 1, 2021. Must include cost quotes for 9.25 miles (lump sum) and additional work (per quarter mile, up to 2.5 miles), herbicide(s) to be used, and application method. Certificate of Insurance is required to be submitted with the quote.  Quotes must be received by 6:00 PM on July 19, 2021.  Page Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Full proposal specifications, maps, and submission form available at Town Hall, online at or from the Page Township Clerk at (320) 362-1266 or

RFQ: Mowing

Request for Quotes

Right-of-Way Mowing

Page Township will be accepting quotes for 2021 ditch mowing. Quotes should include a lump sum rate for approximately 50 swath miles of right-of-way, mowing a minimum of 7 feet and no more than 8 feet from edge of road as appropriate. Grass shall be cut between 4 and 6 inches depending on ditch condition. Mowing will be done one or two times during the season. Initial mowing must be complete by August 1. Certificate of Insurance is required to be submitted with the quote. Quotes must be received by 6:00 PM on July 19, 2021.  Page Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Contact the Clerk at 320-362-1266 or with any questions.

May 2021

MAY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, May 17 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 854 8037 8146    Passcode: 812285.

2021 ROAD WORK: During the May meeting, Supervisors will set priorities for road maintenance and improvements based on the 2021 Road & Bridge levy (set at March 2020 Annual Meeting) and current 2021 budget (approved by Supervisors in December 2020).  The overall 2021 roads budget is $167,550, of which $102,750 comes from the local levy (the remainder is from state gas tax, county gravel tax, permit fees, and other state aides). Work areas will include adding gravel, replacing culverts, improving right-of-way ditches, managing roadside vegetation, and signage needs.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. March meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. At this time, maximum capacity inside the building is 30. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

April 2021

Page Township Update
April 2021

APRIL MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, April 19 at 6:00pm. It will also be the Board’s annual reorganization to select new officers and set policies for the next year. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may watch and participate in the meeting remotely via Zoom: or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 889 1230 4599    Passcode: 475768.

PROPERTY VALUE AND CLASSIFICATION APPEALS: The Page Township Board of Supervisors will meet with the Mille Lacs County Assessor to conduct the Board of Appeal and Equalization on Tuesday, April 27 at 9:00am. This is an opportunity for landowners to appeal the assessed value or classification of their property. Appointments must be made with the Mille Lacs County Assessor at (320) 983-8311.

ROAD REVIEW: Supervisors will be completing the 2021 review of all Township roads and rights-of-way after the Board of of Appeal on April 27. Please notify the Clerk if you have particular concerns that should be looked into. The road review determines priorities for maintenance and improvements for the remainder of the year.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. February meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. At this time, maximum capacity inside the building is 30. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

March 2021

Page Township Update
March 2021

MARCH MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, March 15 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may watch and participate in the meeting remotely via Zoom: or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 871 7833 7652    Passcode: 039737.

ELECTION RESULTS AND ANNUAL MEETING: On Township Day held March 9, 10 voters unanimously re-elected Tom Burk as Supervisor (C) for a three-year term and Laura Murphy as Treasurer for a two-year term. The Annual Meeting was held at 8:00pm after the closing of the election polls. There, the residents in attendance or on Zoom approved a 2022 levy of $144,000 as recommended by the Supervisors. The levy is divided between the five operating funds as follows:

General: $21,336

Road & Bridge: $102,750

Town Hall: $6,750

Park: $750

Fire: $12,384

The 2021 State of The Township report is available for review.

GRADING and GRAVEL: During the March meeting, Supervisors will receive quotes for road grading and class 5 gravel for 2021. Roads will continue to be graded approximately once every two weeks and 6,000 cubic yards of gravel will be added.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. January meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

2021 Annual Meeting

The 2021 Annual Township Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9 at 8:00pm. Due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, capacity in the Town Hall will be limited to 22 and masks will be required.

Residents and other interested parties are invited to participate in the meeting remotely via Zoom. Adding this capability to the Town Hall was made possible by funding from the federal CARES Act.

Zoom Connection:

Telephone Audio:
(312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 882 2186 9447
Passcode: 410029

Audio-only telephone connections are not able to participate in the meeting but can listen to the proceedings.

During the Annual Meeting, residents will vote on the 2022 property tax levy and other business as allowed and prescribed by law.

The property tax levy decision may be delayed until a later date but the Supervisors are recommending setting the 2022 levy at $144,000, no change from 2021.

Gravel 2021: Request for Quotes

Page Township seeks QUOTES for 6,000 cubic yards (more or less) of Class 5 aggregate surfacing (per MNDOT Specification 3138). The aggregate gradation shall be modified to 7% to 12% clay content by weight passing the 200 sieve. Gravel shall be delivered and windrowed upon Township roads, as ordered, by September 4, 2021. Gravel contractor is responsible for coordinating delivery with Township’s grading contractor. Gravel contractor must give 48 hours’ notice to the Township prior to start of delivery. All work must be billed in a single invoice and submitted with scale tickets and gravel analysis for each load delivered.

All quotes must be submitted electronically or delivered to 21804 140th Ave, Milaca 56353 (US Mail or dropbox) with a current Certificate of Insurance ($1.5 million liability) by March 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Quotes will be read at the Regular Board Meeting held that evening. The Page Township Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Selected contractor must sign contract and provide W-9. Contact Kyle Weimann, Township Clerk at 320-247-5030 or

Road Grading 2021: Request for Quotes

Page Township seeks QUOTES for road grading for 2021.  Written quotes must include:

(1) Lump sum rate for each pass of the full 22 miles (more or less) of road. Each pass will be done approximately every other week throughout the season.

(2) Hourly rate for additional, more frequent grading of certain road sections on-call as requested by the Town.

(3) Hourly rate for grader with packer attachment for applying new gravel or as needed.

All quotes must be submitted electronically or delivered to 21804 140th Ave, Milaca 56353 (US Mail or dropbox) with a current Certificate of Insurance ($1.5 million liability) by March 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Quotes will be read at the Regular Board Meeting held that evening. The Page Township Board reserves the right to reject any or all quotes. Selected contractor must sign contract and provide W-9. Contact Kyle Weimann, Township Clerk at 320-247-5030 or