Annual Election of Officers and Annual Meeting

Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Page Township, Mille Lacs County, State of Minnesota, that the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at the Page Town Hall: 21804 – 140th Avenue, Milaca.

The Election Poll hours will be from 5:00PM to 8:00PM at which time the voters will elect: 

SUPERVISOR C for a three-year term,

TREASURER for a two-year term.

The Annual Meeting will commence at 8:00PM to conduct all business prescribed by law, including setting the 2022 property tax levy.  Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, in-person capacity in the Town Hall will be limited and face masks required.  A remote connection via Zoom will be posted on to allow participation in the meeting from home.  Outside entities seeking Township support must submit their request in writing. 

The Board of Canvass will be held following the close of the Annual Town Meeting to certify the election results.  For questions, please contact Kyle Weimann, Page Township Clerk at 320-247-5030 or

February 2021

Page Township Update
February 2021

FEBRUARY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Tuesday, February 16 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may watch and participate in the meeting remotely via Zoom: or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 845 5689 1472; Passcode 807646.

2022 LEVY RECOMMENDATION: The Supervisors will consider whether to make a recommendation of the 2022 property tax levy for the March 9th Annual Meeting. Gathered residents may set the levy at that meeting or wait until later in the year to reconvene and set the 2022 levy. There was a slight increase in 2021 after holding it steady for five years prior. The overall levy is currently $144,000, down from a peak of $168,000 in 2012.

BOARD OF AUDIT: After adjournment of the February regular meeting, the Supervisors will meet as the Board of Audit to review 2020 financial transactions and verify total receipts and disbursements for the year. The public is welcome to observe.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. December meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

January 2021

Page Township Update
January 2021

JANUARY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Tuesday, January 19 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Due to ongoing spread of the Coronavirus and thanks to funding from the CARES Act, the Township will allow remote participation in the meeting via Zoom videoconference: or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 828 6112 5208; Passcode 957173.

2021 ROAD WORK: At the December Board meeting, Supervisors budgeted 2021 Road & Bridge expenditures at $167,550, 78% of the overall budget. This includes funds to add gravel to regular roads once every three years, grade regular roads approximately every two weeks, continue to improve ditches and right-of-ways, and address the remaining deferred maintenance on minimum maintenance road sections, among other ongoing needs. The Board welcomes input from residents and others on particular projects or needs. A road review to evaluate all current conditions will be completed in spring after the melt.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. November meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

December 2020

Page Township Update
December 2020

DECEMBER MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, December 21 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Due to ongoing spread of the Coronavirus and thanks to funding from the CARES Act, the Township will allow remote participation in the meeting via Zoom videoconference: or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 865 5565 2257; Passcode 206625.

CANDIDATE FILING: Eligible residents interested in running for Township officer may file their candidacy between December 29 and January 12. Positions to be elected at the March 2020 Township election are Supervisor (c) for a 3-year term and Treasurer for a 2-year term. The Hall will be open for filing on January 12th from 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Contact the Clerk for more information.

2021 BUDGET: At the December Board meeting, Supervisors will set the 2021 Township budget based on the approved property tax levy (at the March 2020 Annual Meeting) and other known funding sources. The 2021 property tax levy totals $144,000 (over 70% of which is dedicated to road maintenance), which will represent approximately 75% of the overall budget.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. October meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Currently, that means all gatherings must be limited to 10 individuals from no more than 3 households. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

Filing Notice for Town Officers, 2021 Election

Notice is hereby given to residents of Page Township, Mille Lacs County, MN for candidate filing for Town Officers. The positions to be elected on March 9, 2021 are: Supervisor C (3 year term) and Treasurer (2 year term). Candidates must file an Affidavit of Candidacy from December 29, 2020 through 5:00pm January 12, 2021 with the Town Clerk. Forms are available in one of the boxes outside the Town Hall, 21804 140th Ave. Additionally, the Hall will be open from 1:00-5:00pm January 12 for the purpose of filing. The filing fee is $2. Please contact Kyle Weimann, Town Clerk, at 320-247-5030 or with any questions.

Notice of Special Meeting (CARES Act Final Disbursements)

SPECIAL MEETING: As determined at the October Regular Meeting, the Page Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Special Meeting on Friday, November 13 at 6:00pm at the Page Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to make final distributions of federal funding provided to the Township under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

CARES ACT: Page Township was allocated a total of $19,306.82 from standard ($18,725.00) and election ($581.82) CARES Act disbursements through the State of Minnesota and Mille Lacs County. The Board will make final payment for completed projects within eligible categories, such as public health, business relief, and protections for poll workers and voters at the November 3 General Election.

Notice of Special Meeting (CARES Act)

SPECIAL MEETING: As determined at the September Regular Meeting, the Page Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Special Meeting on Thursday, October 1 at 6:00pm at the Page Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to make final authorizations for use of federal funding provided to the Township under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

CARES ACT: Page Township was allocated a total of $19,306.82 from standard ($18,725.00) and election ($581.82) CARES Act disbursements through the State of Minnesota and Mille Lacs County. The Board will determine how to utilize these funds within eligible categories, such as public health, business relief, and protections for poll workers and voters at the November 3 General Election. Public input will be welcomed.

September 2020

Page Township Update
September 2020

SEPTEMBER MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, September 21 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted as a .pdf in the Google Drive.

CARES ACT: Due to Coronavirus relief (CARES Act) funding from the federal government (as distributed by the State of Minnesota), Page Township has been allocated $18,725 to offset costs associated with the pandemic. Eligible expenses include public health response, business relief, telecommunications, social services, and facilities upgrades. The Board will be discussing how best to utilize these funds at the upcoming meeting.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. July meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: Hall rental for public use has resumed, although capacity is limited to 30 individuals and additional cleaning protocols are required. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.

August 2020

Page Township Update
August 2020

AUGUST MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, August 17th at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted as a .pdf in the Google Drive.

GRAVEL: Page Township is top-dressing approximately 7.5 miles of roadway with 6,000 yards of new class 5 gravel. Approximately 80% has been completed. Please exercise caution when driving near gravel trucks or the road grader as the new gravel is spread and packed.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. June meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: Hall rental for public use has resumed, although capacity is limited to 30 individuals and additional cleaning protocols are required. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.