January 2021

Page Township Update
January 2021

JANUARY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Tuesday, January 19 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.

REMOTE CONNECTION: Due to ongoing spread of the Coronavirus and thanks to funding from the CARES Act, the Township will allow remote participation in the meeting via Zoom videoconference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82861125208?pwd=eFB6RXprTTVRWVJtMlQ2T1dRaHVlZz09 or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 828 6112 5208; Passcode 957173.

2021 ROAD WORK: At the December Board meeting, Supervisors budgeted 2021 Road & Bridge expenditures at $167,550, 78% of the overall budget. This includes funds to add gravel to regular roads once every three years, grade regular roads approximately every two weeks, continue to improve ditches and right-of-ways, and address the remaining deferred maintenance on minimum maintenance road sections, among other ongoing needs. The Board welcomes input from residents and others on particular projects or needs. A road review to evaluate all current conditions will be completed in spring after the melt.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. November meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall continues to be available for public rental, although all use must adhere to current orders and guidelines put out by the Minnesota Governor and other authorities. Renters are responsible for ensuring that all masking and social distancing requirements are met. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.