May 2020

Page Township Update
May 2020

MAY MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, May 18th at 7:00pm. With the expiration of the stay-at-home order, the Page Township Board will once again be meeting in-person with modifications to the room layout to ensure a minimum of 6 feet between each individual. The meeting agenda is posted as a .pdf in the Google Drive.

REORGANIZATION: The Supervisors will conduct the annual Board Reorganization to elect a Chair and Vice Chair, define roles and emergency authorizations, set fees, and other considerations. Typically the reorganization occurs in April of each year, but it was delayed (per Resolution #2004-02) due to the inability to meet in-person during the stay-at-home order.

ROAD WORK: Supervisors will determine the 2020 priorities for maintenance, improvement, and repair along the approximately 27 miles of roads and rights-of-way under Page Township’s jurisdiction. This includes: areas to receive new gravel, roadside ditch improvements, culvert replacements, vegetation management, signage, and other issues. If you have any particular concerns you would like addressed, please email or call (320) 247-5030.

PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. March regular minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.

HALL RENTAL:  Due to the public health emergency, all non-governmental use of the Town Hall is suspended until further notice.