Page Township Update
October 2022
OCTOBER MEETING: The next regular meeting of the Page Township Board of Supervisors will be held on Monday, October 17 at 6:00pm. The meeting agenda is posted in the Google Drive.
REMOTE CONNECTION: Members of the public may participate in the meeting remotely. A Zoom connection is available or phone audio at (312) 626-6799 — ID 880 5653 9810 Passcode: 045578
(Our apologies for technical difficulties with our Zoom connection at the September meeting. Our internet connection dropped immediately prior to the meeting. We hope that the situation has been resolved, but it is always more reliable to attend in-person at the Town Hall. )
2023 PROPERTY TAXES: Landowners will soon be receiving preliminary property tax information for next year. The 2023 Page Township tax levy was set by the gathered electors at the 2022 Annual Meeting on March 8 for a total of $142,000, a decrease of 1.4% from 2022. While the effect on individual properties will vary based on market value changes of various classifications of properties as determined by the Mille Lacs County Assessor, the Township will overall be taking in the lowest property taxes since 2020, and $26,000 (15.5%) less than 2012. Property taxes from other units of government, such as Mille Lacs County or the Milaca School District, are not under the control of Page Township.
PAST MEETINGS: Meeting minutes are posted online once they have been approved by the Supervisors at the subsequent meeting. August meeting minutes are now posted in the Google Drive.HALL RENTAL: The Town Hall is available for public rental. Hall rental forms and availability calendar are available online.